The Knowledge Summit presented by SECURITY TODAY has gained universal recognition for providing in-depth coverage of leading edge technical and security management issues facing Protection Professionals.

Security affects bottom lines and is a major concern for every organization – big or small. Acquiring specialised skills and knowledge upgradation is the only answer.

The SECURITY TODAY Knowledge Summit attracts a cadre of industry experts from across the globe. These world class presenters bring together a wealth of experience and knowledge on issues that impact protection professionals.


The SECURITY TODAY Knowledge Summit is a high quality security conference that addresses the needs of qualified security pros seeking ‘nuts-&-bolts’ advice rather than sales pitches.


The Bodhi Tree, a sacred ancient peepal tree located in Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India, under which Siddhartha Gautama, later known as Gautam Buddha, attained enlightenment. Bodhi means awakening or enlightenment. The SECURITY TODAY Knowledge Summit cover is our humble, figurative and symbolic depiction of security practitioners in their quest for knowledge.


We encourage participation from CSOs, CISOs, Risk Managers, CROs, Disaster and Crisis Managers, Professional Security and Safety Practitioners, End Users, Government Representatives, Police, Paramilitary and Defence Personnel, Consultants, Researchers & Students and anyone who has an interest in these areas. Upon registering you will receive an invitation to join.