Category testimonial v2.1

Mr. Rajan Luthra,
Chairman’s Office- Head- Special Projects
Reliance Industries Limited

Mr. Luthra is the Head of Special Projects in the Chairman’s Office at Reliance Industries Ltd. He has 33 years of experience in driving technology, innovation, risk management, strategic investments, and public policy initiatives. An engineer with an executive MBA in national security and counter-terrorism. He is also a part of the founding team at

Nov 14, 2023 / by Dolly Shrivastava / No Comments

Prof. Deeph Chana, Managing Director
NATO Defence Innovation Accelerator for the
North Atlantic (DIANA) & Professor,
Imperial College London

Prof Chana has joined DIANA as its first Managing Director, bringing with him extensive experience of leading innovative science and technology research and development in academia, industry and government, focusing on global risks and next generation infrastructure security. He is joining DIANA from Imperial College London where he was Director of the Institute for Security

Nov 14, 2023 / by Dolly Shrivastava / No Comments