Category testimonial v2

Major Avtar Singh, CPP
GM – Security

Having attended the SECURITY TODAY Knowledge Summit 2015, I can safely say that this has been one of the most insightful security conferences that I have attended. The Knowledge Summit, over the years, has tremendously surpassed all expectations and I am eagerly waiting to attend the 2016 Knowledge Summit and be a part of the

Sep 12, 2015 / by manish / No Comments

Payal Batra
GM – Security
India Tourism Development Corporation

Let me begin with appreciating the facilities provided at the venue. There was nothing more one could have asked for. However, since it was only a one-day program with enormous content, it is a good idea to have a two days’ program instead of one, this year. I will further suggest that at least one

Sep 12, 2015 / by manish / No Comments

Col. Rajiv Grover
Global Security American Express

One of the best ever security conferences attended by me in a long-long time. The topics for discussion and the speakers / panelists were all very relevant and provided invaluable inputs. No sales pitches by sponsors and very qualitative networking made the time well spent. Involving business leaders was the icing on the cake! Looking

Sep 12, 2015 / by manish / No Comments

Capt. Navtej S. Gill
Relationship & Coordination Reliance Industries Ltd.

Saying that the SECURITY TODAY Knowledge Summit 2015 event was conducted in a totally professional manner is an understatement. The only issue that I had has already been addressed by you for the next Summit i.e. increase in time duration to enable a more interactive dialogue. I am looking forward to being a part of

Sep 12, 2015 / by manish / No Comments